Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mumbai attacks and Indian-bin-ladin :

Indian government and media use ‘Indian-bin-ladin’ for ‘abdus-subhan-qureshi’ who has been involved in Ahmedabad , Benglore and Mumbai train attacks and Delhi bomb blasts.
Delhi ,Gujarat and Mumbai police reached the consensus that it was Abdus-subhan who allegedly prepared all the terror e-mails that were sent by the Indian-Mujahiden because of his ‘brilliant techie skills’, and that he is the one who signed these mails as ‘al-Arbi’.
He was born in 1972 in Rampur Utter-pardesh in India and since his childhood his parents shifted from Rampur to Mumbai .
Abdus-subhan joined a computer firm ‘radical solution’ in Mumbai in 1996 to earn his living and as he was a computer expert , so after joining ‘radical solution’ he amazed the whole computer industry and within 3 years till 1999 , he was able to manage computers and softwares of Indian petrochemical and ten other large companies of India alone. He is a hacker and can easily enter into worlds largest companies’ systems within less time and can easily access their hidden secret information and files, according to his friends it seems that computer founder is abdus-subhan (Indian-bin-ladin) himself because of his expertise in the field of computer.

Abrupt change in abdus-subhan’s life by joining SIMI :

In 1999 abdus-subhan married arifa ,shifted to a luxury flat on ‘maaira road’ , got his own car and had three children from ‘arifa’ . life was good and he was living a happy life as other workers in India but on march 26,2001 he suddenly gave resignation from his job and was not seen after that till 21st of august 2001. On 21st august 2001, he appeared in SIMI’s (students Islamic movement of india) conference.SIMI is an organization of Indian muslim students, abdus-subhan was sitting behing SIMI’s leader ‘safdar nagri’ and may be Indian intelligence agencies have the clip of that conference. After joining SIMI , he was known then as ‘tauqir’ and then he continued working in his new organization. It is said that during his membership of SIMI , abdus-subhan learned different techniques of preparing bombs for suicide attacks, also he was a hacker so he reached all secret information files of important small and large Indian organizations . According to different sources abdus-subhan left this organization and with his few friends he made his own organization with the name of ‘indian mujahideen’ which then created contacts with Mumbai’s underworld and involved themselves in different terrorist activities . This group then commited the brutal terrorist act of ‘Jaypur’ blasts on may 13,2008 and accepted the responsibility for those blasts by emailing Indian media, after that they were involved in bomb blasts on 25th july in Benglore , 26 july Ahmedabad and 13th September in Delhi . All these terrorists acts clearly shows that the person or mastermind behind these attacks is the person who knows the very basic of computers and who can access all the encrypted critical information or files of India’s intelligence agencies , a person who has the maps of all Indian popular cities and who is aware of the defense mechanisms that are deployed in critical areas or cities , a person who has expertise of navigation system , GPS and modern satellite system and the one with good economic and man power condition and according to different sources at that time abdus-subhan who is now known as ‘tauqir’ ,was such person who was computer genius and who had earned million of currency by having contacts with underworld, so for him such terrorist acts were not that much difficult .

Mumbai Attacks Of Nov 26,2008 And Abdus-Subhan(Tauqir) :

One can easily reach the actual terrorist and mastermind of 26 Nov,2008 Mumbai’s terrorist acts by keeping in mind this background of Abdus-subhan (Tauqir) . Nariman house Mumbai was center for jews, and in this center there was an office of Moosad’s also , there were israeli’s commandos present in the center , also there was a worship place for the jews in the center . Israel had also placed intelligence equipment at points in the center that would collect and give information . This center was so much secure that even Indian government’s top leaders, secret agencies and media was unaware and had too little information about the center. But despite all these facts on 26 Nov,2008 terrorists not only attacked Nariman house but got full control of it . Here the question arises that how did these terrorists get all information about this center , the information they needed to enter the house, break all modern security system and then reach till the very end ,so this is not an easy task and all a person need is to be a ‘computer genius’ .
Obroy and Taj hotel are very expensive hotels of Mumbai that are equipped with latest security fool proof technology . ‘Taj hotel’ has 300 cameras installed and each and every car and person that enters in the hotels territory is checked , no one is permitted to enter the hotel without passing through sensors and scanners ,but despite all these measurements not only terrorists entered the hotel but also took with them heavy weapons . Reports shows that all of them were aware of all the secret entrances and they knew that points where they can have safe shelter , protect themselves from security personnel firings and from where they could give army and police maximum loss. Thus , these terrorists blocked all the secret entrances to the hotel , they made the security of the hotel to be of no use and then they played with all security organizations for 72 hours and these security organizations couldn’t take a major step within 72 hours. A person who is the mastermind of this terrorist act definitely needs the core knowledge of computer systems, a hacker who can enter into TAJ and Oberoy’s hotel systems and get all the information and maps of the hotels and a genius who can fail the computerized security system of the hotel at the time when the terrorists are just entering the hotel . A person who can enter into Mumbai’s intelligence network and steal all important information, who have enough information of how to gun down an army helicopter using their rifles and which gases would be used during the operation by police and how to defend yourself against their strategy. This all needs a genius who understands all defense mechanisms of Indian army in detail . Only 12 people destroyed a city of millions of people and their strategy was such that India has to ask their lieutenant general to handle the situation who tackled the situation after 72 hours long struggle.

Conclusion :

It shows that Indian intelligence and amry’s networks are not secure and the most important thing is that if one can have an easy access to their nuclear program and missile system then what would be the result , one can just have a very clear guess of that?? Indian intelligence agencies should not ignore the very role of Abdus-subhan-qureshi in all the terrorist activities within India and he is Bharats ‘Indian-bin-ladin’ .